
God's the only one left

Hard news hit my family this weekend-news that brought all hopes to a shattering halt. I called my brother so upset on Friday and he calmly responded with words that were true, "there is nothing we can do right now."

Sunday John and I were driving home from a long day of church and friends and I started to lose it again. He asked the daunting loaded question, "are you ok?" I of course responded with tears and he knew the reason for each one of them. He paused for a moment and his response was "I know you aren't going to want to hear this, but there is nothing anyone can do. Only God can change the situation. He's the only one left."

I hated his response. I thought of slapping him for saying such a ridiculous (true) statement. John's right and wise which was not a great combination for the emotional moment at hand. I wanted the response that would make me feel better, one that would bring the hope back and give me back control. The best part about my husband is that he will speak truth every time before he will speak encouragement. Dang I love that man!

It is literally all in God's hands. There is not one thing left for man to do other than pray for wisdom in this trial we are experiencing. (James chapter 1:1-8)

God-Help me to see this the way you see it. Grow me into a mature Christian through this trial. Give our family strength to represent your name for who you are.

1 comment:

Jim, Heather, Jordan and Madison said...

Painful truth sometimes is the best of all....eventhough it hurts so much. Whatever it is you are going through, I am sorry. Will pray for you and your family to lean on Him right now.