
Church Done Right

John and I traveled to Southbend, Indiana this weekend for a close friends wedding....long drive but worth the trip!

Today we went with my brother to his church in Dayton, Ohio called APEX. I was a little nervous going into it because he had told me about how it was a "house church" or something of that nature. We went to what they call a "gathering" which is what most other people call "church." Today was the perfect week to go because they were talking about how they started the church 10 years ago and why they run the church the way they do. I was impressed.

During the week, the body (believers in Jesus Christ) meet in home churches and study the word, worship, and pray together. Sunday mornings all of the home churches meet together for what they call a "gathering" which is corporate worship and a message from the pastor.

The pastor said, "we can't call this "gathering" church because church is defined in the Bible as the body of believers. Our home churches are "church" because that is for those who have professed to be Christians. This "gathering" is full of non-believers, believers, and those who think they are believers. Therefore, we do not call this church."

OMG---a pastor who completely gets it. He preached the gospel today. He mentioned Jesus 95 times and only gave Credit to God for the huge amount of growth in the church. He talked more about how if he were to die, that the church would still go on because at APEX it's about the mission-not the man/pastor. They are opening a new church and their church will now have 2 men preaching. He said it doesn't matter if he preaches, or the other pastor preaches because it's just not important. The word of God is important. (make me melt!)

Beautiful Sunday morning---one of the most unique churches I have been to with a mindblowing BIBLICAL perspective. HOW REFRESHING!

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