
The Big News

My fingers cant type fast enough.....

Yesterday we got a call from our case manager with foster care. WHOA!!!! As soon as the phone rang my stomach jumped and I knew exciting news was on the other line. After talking with Thompson (the organization we are fostering through) we could not be more excited about the little guy that is soon coming to the Crowley house!!

Our situation with this child is a little unique. Michael (the little guy) is very curious and particular as to who will be his foster parents. John and I will be going to meet him in the next few weeks to feel out if the situation is right for both him and us. Michael will be turning 11 soon which is the age John and I both teach at school. I feel pretty comfortable with this age group as I've been working with 11 year olds for years at school.

If the pairing is a match, Michael will potentially move in sometime in October. In the meantime, we will spend time with him at the facility he is currently in on a weekly basis to help build the relationship before he moves in.

Wow----my emotions feel like a rollercoaster of fear and excitement! Please pray that if Michael is not the right fit that God provides him with the right family to love him....he deserves it. Please also pray for wisdom for John and I. We definitely do not know how to parent a middle schooler....but we are up for the challenge!

More to come :)

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