
Broken World

The older I get, the more the holy spirit reveals the hurt of this broken world we live in.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, hurts whether they are saved or not saved. For those who are saved, we have the hope that our savior has created a perfect eternity. We live on this earth for the purpose of Jesus Christ and eternity with him.
As John and I figure out our place and purpose in this fostering journey, we have been exposed to the darkest sin in our world. Child rape, physical abuse, neglect, starvation, child pornography, etc. all of which involve innocent children. It's sick.
Although this seems like the ultimate hurt in the world, to others who suffer different pain, it is no differet. No each his own. Somtimes I have a problem with saying in my head, "well, it's not as bad as what ___ is experiencing" which is a cop out on my part. It's me not wanting to empathize with others because I feel they aren't justified in their hurt.
This week, a co-worker of mine from years ago, contacted me about hurt that her family is experiencing. Her dad was accused of a criminal charge that he did not committ and is facing a 15 year sentence. My heart broke for this family as I understand the pain they are encountering.
Another friend, one from high school, called John and I explaining how his wife has left him and their 3 young children to chase fame in Hollywood. My heart shattered for this family....
I so anticipate the day we face our savior and see justice, love, and holiness. All the hurt of this world will be gone and the hope we had on earth for Jesus will be reality. I am so thankful for a perfect savior, one who died so that my hurt can be his hurt.

This world is broken and there is only one hope. Jesus.

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