We were all standing in the kitchen and I offered to help his mom clean up. She whisked herself away to a closet and brought back a broom thingy. Now, I normally don't get too excited over cleaning tools, but this broom/sweeper/thingy was awesome. It was handy--and it works great on wood floors. --I started lusting over it. I thought about how I wanted one and how much better my life would be. I literally had a moment where I contemplated telling her I had always wanted one in hopes that she would want to bless me with it.
This week my bible study lovlies brought me a "housewarming basket" completely stocked with the goods. As I gleefully searched through the basket I found a little piece of heaven. There were awesome tokens inside but the highlight: dryer sheets. THE R.E.A.L. ones! I have never bought the real ones....my philosophy is that my perfume can make my clothes smell good (it's a coping mechanism). The sheets are now hidden in the back of a closet because I'm saving them (for what I'm not sure yet).
So here I am, pondering how it is I got so old so fast. You know it's that time when you lust over vacuums and dryer sheets.
1 comment:
That makes two of us, sister ;)
I nominated you for Kreativ Blogger...you are a wonderful, entertaining writer!
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