A co-worker of mine was sharing with me the sermon that she heard this Sunday at church. I eagerly listened but after she was done, I was amazed. She kept mentioning what the pastor had come up with....this new idea that he had put together...all of the catchy lines...and she said the word "Jesus" once in her whole synopsis of the service. Once.
The prosperity churches that are flooding this country scare me more than a christian who has no church. Prosperity preaching is teaching of the bible in a way that prospers man, focuses on how WE can be better people. The bible wasn't designed to make man better, it was designed to glorify God. Prosperity preachers use the bible to support to the "US" message they are hoping to get across.
When John and I started looking for a church in Charlotte we decided on 3 things that we determined were a must have in our church......
1. Expository preaching (sermon studies and themes can only last so long...preaching verse by verse in the bible allows what God wrote to be the message, not what man wants to create and speak on)
2. Holyness and Humility (we yearned for a humble congregation and shepherd....one that holds God to the highest esteem)
3. Biblical Accountability (John and I sought out counseling and mentors when we first started at our church....we cannot make wise decisions without experienced believers helping to guide us through our walk)
It took us multiple churches to find the 3 things that God put on our hearts as must have's for our church. We know that the wait has been worth it! We fail so miserably in our lives on an hourly basis, that we needed a church that has the meat...meat from the bible not from man. We knew that the only way we would grow is with the help of wise and humble men of God.
I get the whole idea.....prosper us, make us better christians...etc.
The bible doesn't preach "prosper" for salvation....
repent, believe, obey.
repent, believe, obey.
repent, believe, obey.
Does your church preach Jesus, or does your church preach about you?
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