
So much for Holiday Cheer!

Today I was in Trader Joes picking up some groceries. I love this store---not only do they carry great and healthy food, but everytime I'm in there I feel like I'm on vacation! The staff is incredible--always helpful!

Today I was passing by a sample counter and the worker kindly offered me a chili-cornbread casserole--it was fabulous. I quickly moved aside so that the lady behind me could sample and enjoy the free goodness as well.

As I was about to thank the worker who was serving it, the lady behind me said, "well that's terrible. yuck."

Really? Complaining about free food?

I looked at the worker and said, "wow, I thought that was really good-I appreciate it."

She said, " we serve almost 400 people a day on the weekends and you wouldn't believe how many people complain about free samples."

I was shocked to hear this. I see a sample cart in Costco or any other grocery and whether I like it or not---it's fun because it's free!

Tis the season.....for some :)

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