Tomorrow North Carolina residents will vote on whether or not marriage shall be defined as one man and one woman or whether we can change the consitution so that marriage includes homosexuals.
As a christian, the vote for me is easy. God's word is clear and in obedience to that, John and I will vote in support of marriage in amendment 1.
A respected pastor in Charlotte wrote this response to concerns and advertisements voting against amendment 1, very interesting and SO true.
"Here are objections some are raising and my responses:
1. North Carolina already has a law defining marriage between a man and a woman. That is true. But it's already been challenged, as early as December of this past year. The only way to prevent this definition from being changed by aggressive judges is to have this law be immutably stated in the Constitution.
2. There will be unintended consequences from victims of domestic violence. This objection is based on appellate cases in Ohio (which states a similar perspective in its Constitution). But this challenge was overturned by Ohio's Supreme Court. North Carolina domestic violence laws already protect people, regardless of their relationships. This will continue even with this Constitutional addition.
3. Children of unmarried couples lose their insurance coverage or custody or visitation rights if this becomes a part of our Constitution. This will not impact what employers already do. Plus, custody and visitation rights are determined by law by the relationship of the parent to the child, not the relationship between parents.
4. How does a marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman hurt my marriage, or any marriage? Let's be very clear: the assault on marriage didn't begin with this amendment. It first began with the fallen human condition that always seeks our will. It was aggravated by the sexual revolution decades ago that invited promiscuity and adultery. It was exacerbated further by "no fault" divorce laws decades ago. If you want an example of where all this may go, simply look at many western European countries where marriage is considered unimportant, only 20% marrying. This view towards marriage is the natural consequence of a culture that continues to diminish marriage as God intended. Is that where we want to go? What may be next?
5. It will be bad for business. The ten fastest growing business states in the United States all have a similar kind of statement about marriage between a man and a woman in their Constitution. What is the only one that doesn't? North Carolina.
There are 30 states that have already approved a similar statement on marriage for their Constitutions. Each one was voted on by the people. The 7 that define marriage differently were all decided by the judicial branch.
Finally, for followers of Jesus, the Bible - God's Word - is very clear. Marriage is not a right for humans to have. It's a gift from God, an ordinance written into creation. Its definition by God is not only for Jews and Christians, but a creation creed for all people everywhere. God defined marriage, not us!
In original intent, God clearly defined his will for marriage in Genesis 2:24. Please read the verse carefully. It's what I've taught consistently over three decades of ministry. God's will for marriage is one man, one woman, in a committed heterosexual, monogamous relationship.
Because of the Fall in Genesis 3, humans for centuries have tried to abrogate God's original intent. Whether it's pre-marital sex, adultery, pornography, polygamy, divorce among others, our hardened, selfish hearts deny marriage as God intended it. Whenever the prophets in the Bible saw these aberrations from God's original intent, they called God's people back to Genesis 2:24."
David Chadwick- Forest Hill Church
I'm guessing that God is pleased with a pastor speaking truth about relevant biblical issues. A man of God, willing to risk popularity for truth rocks me to the core. I Only hope more pastors can do the same!
1 comment:
Very interesting (and brave) post!
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