I feel that being a teacher keeps me fairly involved in my community. I take my job seriously but I do feel I keep my life balanced to some degree. I often feel that when I'm in public people are watching and I never know when a student is watching or listening from an isle or car just next to me.
With that said, I also feel responsible to keep up with whats going on around me. I like to be prepared to defend my thinking, my views, my books, my everything!
John and I have been on the church roller coaster in the past and I recently read something that really disturbed me from a church we had once stopped at on the roller coaster church search. We try to remain somewhat in the loop with churches. John and I have done our homework on a lot of churches---many of them are good, some are great and few are trustworthy. I work with a few people that go to one of the churches we have been at and John plays sports with a few of them. We love these people---they are dear to our hearts. Because of the way we feel about them, and Jesus, we keep ourselves somewhat in tune with whats going on.
I was reading a section from a church on leadership. The pastor of the church wrote that in order to develop a good leader, one should consume blogs, tweets, sermons, books and podcast. At first glance I didn't think twice....until my way smarter half brought something very vital to my attention. Doesn't the bible lay out how to be a good leader?
This is what I LOVE about my husband. Often my eyes are shut or my vision is blurred. I read something, skim something, and see the main point of it. Not John. He reads something and his heart and brain automatically analyze truth and intent from a biblical perspective. My brain thought..."o how nice, this pastor is looking outside the box for advice on leadership. Creative." John thought, "how is the bible not your first and only method to determine church leadership?"
Some people are quick to jump and say, "it's not a big deal. Obviously a pastor reads the bible." I think I would jump to say, "my pastors words are his heart, and if his heart isn't always using the bible, I dont want to be responsible for being under that teaching."
If you are looking for biblical guidance on leadership: maybe try Titus and Jude, and most other new testament books.
So is the Gospel bigger and better than what man can think up?
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