
Bumper stickers

I was listening to a sermon while driving home tonight and it reinforced my passion for a particular and unpopular topic in today's society. It's really the only topic that is still mind boggling to me, a topic that has no real arguments with substantial backing. The topic of murder.

Now, in today's society we punish those who murder. Murder is considered a crime in America and as a result will land you behind bars for years to come. The taking of a life is called murder and I think everyone can agree that "it's wrong."

What is truly mind boggling to me is that murder in the form of abortion is now called "choice." Choice. Hmmmmmm. What is there to choose really? So...let me get this straight. A man pulls a gun on the gas station attendant and murders is punished because he killed the guy. A woman can vacuum out her child's body with enough force to kill the baby instantly and we call this "choice." Ok, I'm still so confused.

I used to become so incredibly frustrated with people who supported abortion and now at the age of 26 my feelings towards them have changed. I no longer feel as frustrated, instead I feel sorry for them. I feel sympathetic to anyone who holds such little value to human life that God has given. I understand now that those people have been deceived by the devil into believing they have the right to kill an innocent infant. Whoa. I'm petrified for those who have to stand before God and try to explain to the creator of the universe that they knew better than he (supporters, doctors, patients). That their "choice" was more important than the life HE created.

For the math brains who debate pro-life:
The moment conception happens (day 1), all characteristics for the baby have already been determined. Eye color. Hair color. Boy. Girl.
Day 21---a heartbeat.
Day 28-arms and legs form.

Abortions are performed at 16 weeks. (you do the math) I googled "abortion" and looked at the "images." Those speak for themselves.

Animal activist:
How about we fund adoption agencies and orphanages? Since the beginning of time animals have fended for themselves (that was by design) and now our sick society is more consumed with saving whales than we are saving babies.

So this is the bumper sticker I would like to create for the world to put on their car:

"Save the Babies, forget the whales"

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