
Foster Training pt. 2

John and I have made it through our 2nd foster parenting class learning GOBS of information at an overwhelming rate. So much at stake with these kids and such an abundant need for foster parents....it's alarming.

The one take away from last week that really sticks with me is this: A lot of foster situations are a result of one time-unfortunate situations. For example, during class we performed a silent drama where one bad incident in the home, resulted in a domino effect which ended with their child being taken from them. The family was a loving family, both parents were married, they all worked together as a family. As life caught this family off guard, dad lost his job, stress took over....one bad thing led to another.

God has given me situations in my life that allowed me to sympathize with this family. They had no ill intent in their heart--life just over powered them and unfortunate situations won out. I learned so much at this meeting....that most parents never intend for bad things to happen to their children. That sometimes life is just hard and situations leave no control to the parents.

I pray that God will give me the grace to look at these parents and see their hearts, that no one asks for their life to turn out in a mess.

Grace. Wow---I have some work to do.

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