
Blessed to Bless others

As we continually prepare for our first foster child to arrive, we have been busy trying to get the house ready. We have no idea how old the child will be which makes the bedroom situation a little challenging. The odds of getting a baby are somewhat small, so we are planning for a child that can atleast sleep in a regular bed.

With a limited budget, we have been pooling our resources and networks to try and get everything that we need for this child. As always, the Lord has provided in our areas of need.

A friend of ours donated her bed, so we now have an awesome twin bed that will fit perfectly in one of our guest bedrooms. Some close friends of ours is helping us pick up the bed with their truck and also helping us pick up a large piece of furntiture that we are going to refurbish for the bedroom. This weekend we made a trip to Salvation Army and Habitat for Humanity re-store and found some awesome pieces for the bedroom. John and I have found that we love searching for used/older pieces and then making it over to be our own. The whole process of looking, re-doing, and then using is a blast!

We feel so inadequete and so humbled that God would call us to such a unique life. I am truly amazed at the rare experiences that I have had over the past few years....and I give God the glory for equipping us and those around us.

He has abundantly blessed us to bless others. Thank you to everyone who is helping us fulfill this calling----we are so thankful!

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