
Out the window

You know it's bad when you reflect on your day and 90% of the things you said were negative.....I'm sure people are dieing to be around that!!! So, after having a very long and honest conversation with a close friend, I'm taking baby steps to get my mind and mouth back in order.

I've never really struggled in areas like this....it feels like new territory. I feel like it's been quite sudden and I'm not really sure who to blame or where to point the finger, so I guess that means its me. I think the main problem is losing perspective. Everytime I'm negative about work, or work again, or the weather, I have to simply say, Is this really a big deal in the grand scheme. The answer is ALWAYS no. Sad isnt it? I let things bother me that are not even significant in the grand purpose of life. It's almost embarassing. So, because a kid is on my last working nerve, I'm going to let my whole day be ruined and my attitude lash out at other kids? Or, a personal favorite, because a co-worker doesn't do something the way I would do it (because of course we all think we are right all of the time) I'm going to carry bitterness? Really Kylie?

Out the window. I'm done. If it's not big in the grand scheme.....who cares? I'm putting my energy elsewhere...and everyone will be happy about that :)

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Love reading your blog, Kylie. You are such a beautiful person, inside and out!