
Defeated or Determined?

The school district that I work for is literally a hot mess right now. I started teaching 4 years ago and to keep it simple: more work, less pay, fewer resources, cuts cuts cuts!! On the bright side, I work for a fabulous school that I have developed a great network through and have built so many relationships that I truly treasure.

So here we are again, year 2 of cutting over 150 million dollars from the district and teachers are exhausted. It's so disapointing to hear that our lawmakers believe that 40 kids in one classroom is a good idea, or that seasoned teachers need to go because it cost more to employ them. Today I sat in a meeting that was incredibly defeating. We were told that getting a masters degree will no longer "count" for anything, we were informed that there will be no opportunities to advance ourselves in the teaching industry. SAD.

I didn't feel a sense of fear, as I am confident my time in the teaching world is brief. My heart does break for my kids....the thought of them being in the public school environment crammed into a classroom with a disgruntled teacher and chaos--PASS.

It's just funny to me......most parents are begging for Christmas and summer break to be over because they need a "break" from their kids. I spend more time with most kids than parents do, and still the one place that our kids spend the most of their time is the place we are hacking to pieces. Yikes.

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