
Simple Pleasure

I have a confession to make, it's a little odd, and somewhat strange, but real.
Living in a city, I have access to Target, Wal-Mart, and Harris Teeter on almost every corner. Wal-Mart will always be near and dear to my heart, but Target does have somewhat of a more eye appealing selection.

One day I was shopping at Target, well, more like browsing to kill time, and I decided to try one of their snack shop items in hopes to eliminate the loud growls coming from my stomach. As I approached the snack bar I was overwhelmed with the endless options--and I mean tuly endless. Hot pretzels, sandwiches, pop-corn, freezies, and so much more....and the best part is it's all CHEAP!

As my eyes gazed upon the goodness, I spotted my hearts true delight: monster cookies. Fresh baked. Chewy. Chocolatey. Peanut Buttery. GOODNESS. These cookies hold a special place in my heart, they are cookies that my dad use to make from scratch when we lived in Ohio, during my elementary years!

Unfortunately, now that I've tasted the goodness....I find myself stopping at Target just for these cookies. It's really kind of embarassing.

It's a simple pleasure that I'm ashamed of but not quite willing to stop.
Try it---I can promise you will become a frequent Target browser as well :)

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