
I think I look older

Well, 27 is here and 26 is a thing of the past. Funny, I don't look any older than I did 10 years ago but according to my drivers license, time is passing! I'm not sure which of the following I hear more frequently:

"where's your hall pass"
"I work here."


"honey you can't play in that, you need a uniform on"
"I'm the coach"


"are your parents coming to help you guys?"
"we're married and our parents live 12 hours away"

Funny though, no matter how often I get comments at the middle school I teach at, or how many times "adults" mistake John and I for teenagers, I keep getting older whether I look it or not.

So, here's to getting older. Here's to the continuous zits I get at the age of 27, the bills that don't seem to go away, and the gratitude for being healthy and alive for yet another year!


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