
A little eager

The first thing we changed when we bought our house was the front landscaping. It was a weed bed when we moved in as our house had not been lived in for the previous 5 years. So---off I went to the farmers market and my little green thumb and I went to work. As the photo clearly shows....it's just breathtaking in the winter months.

Fast forward.....

After being in the house for 2 years, I'm realizing how over rated flowers are and how rediculous I was to plant flowering plants instead of GREEN bushes. I hate the way my house looks in the winter because flowering bushes die off and wait until spring to make an appearance; this results in a very unattractive front yard for 4 months!

So, thanks to my lovely husband, this year he ripped up all of our hard work from last year and re-planted the good stuff. We are off to a great start for this summer and I'm just tickled pink with the beginning stages.

After planting I was a little over eager and we purchased two of the biggest and most sensational hanging plants I have ever seen. Well, those are dead now due to the cold and 20.00 is down the drain! I'm holding off another 2 weeks and we will finish off the front with mulching and planting around the mailbox and tree, adding potted plants, and hanging plants....the look is getting there and soon to be complete! I can't wait!!!

(not to mention....the gardner is these pictures is just HOT.....thank the Lord we have more yard work to do so I can see him again ;)

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