
White is the new black

I have found myself falling into this bottomless pit of little white lies lately. And by lies, I'm talking about avoiding the truth to spare someones feelings or prevent stress in a situation that does not need additional hassle. For example, I was talking with someone today about how to handle a job situation and I found myself guiding them to just tell the potential employer you are not interested because.....blah blah blah. Now, if an honest answer were given, the employer would take offense and any potential in the future would be ruined. So, I suggested that this person just avoid the truth and give a very nice response.

Another example.....
I made plans to spend time with a friend which I really wanted to do. Something came up with an outside conflict that could not be avoided and instead of just telling my friend about the conflict, I came up with an entirely different reason. I felt like this new reason wouldn't sound so harsh or make them feel like this conflict is more important than our friendship. So...feelings were sparred but guilt was added.

UUgggghhhhh......these little "whites" are eating me up.

My mom has always told me I'm a "stresser." I've had an ulcer since 3rd grade and find myself constantly worrying about peoples feelings and thoughts, so much so that I get physically ill. For what?

I think the Bible commands truth because it's the only way to be real and trustworthy. The little "whites" are preventing hurt feelings but uncovered they are damaging to my character and reputation. I am more concerned with peoples feelings instead of how I represent myself. This is the point where I'd like to say I'll stop. I'll move on into a new form of myself that is only a truth teller and all feelings will just have to deal. Truth is----this is hard. I don't even know where to start!

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