
Who wants privacy?


I am literally amazed on a daily basis at the amount of information that people are willing to disclose on facebook. It's so strange that the human has changed so drastically of wanting privacy to intentionally informing the world on....bathroom experiences, photos, daily, scratch that...hourly updates. I'm not really sure why people even get upset anymore and use the term "it's none of your business" when everyones business is published for the world to follow.

There has to be a line and whats scary is that the line is quickly disapearing. Yes, facebook has been great for keeping in touch with people but there seems to be a lack of intimacy with that. It's just so normal to now see women displaying their pregnant bellies for everyone to gawk at, or update status on how your fighting or mad at your significant other, or informing the world on personal family news that probably shouldn't be spread.

I don't know why this bothers me so much. I've had more than one friend tell me in the past few weeks the venom that facebook has been when they really sit down and evaluate. If everyone were honest with themselves, I think we could all agree that it either creates jealousy, stalker tendencies, or it wastes a SIGNIFICANT amount of precious life time looking into other peoples lives instead of treasuring our own.

Facebook now gets about 15 minutes of my time on a daily basis. Anything beyond that is taking too high of a priority in my life....slowly creeping in to bring me down.

Facebook has it's place......

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