
1 year down.....endless to go!

John and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary with a trip to Ocean Isle. Quiet beach, John's undivided attention (other than ESPN playing while I showered and got ready for dinner), sun, great books, and of course the Ocean Isle Creamery! Our little mini-vacay was amazing and we were thrilled to be able to go for a short break from the real world.

I'm sort of a fan of cheese....so one of John's little suprises was a custom made (thanks to our great Artsy friends-Crystal and Darryn) "message in a bottle." Thankfully John decided to go for a run before dinner which gave me the perfect opporunity to bury the bottle. I decided to wait for him to return (standing somewhat close to the bottle so no little kids decided it was their new bucket for sand castle making) and as he returned all out of breath and sweaty, I nervously waited for him to "discover" the bottle. So I casually walk closer to the bottle but didn't look to the ground so that he would find it himself. He finally does, after much waiting, and decides to pick it up. He rolls the bottle around and reads the paint which reads "May 30th, 2010." He says, "hmmmm" and puts the bottle down.


So I say, "aren't you going to look in it?"
John says, "no, its not my bottle. someone must have left it here."
I then say, "well, just pick it up and lets see what it says."
John says, "I don't think we should, its not ours."

Ok---at this point I'm thinking of taking the bottle from his hands and giving him a passionate tap on the head.

Finally, he feels moral about getting the message from the bottle and realizes my cheesey idea has come full circle. He loved the message, I was bummed with the delivery.

When the Message in a Bottle movie and book were made, it didn't happen that way!!!

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