

Being married has changed my persepctive on a lot of things....including parenting! I was sitting in church today thinking of the things I learned from my mom that I will definitely do with my own children. My mom did so many things right as a parent and I really respect the way she raised us. It wasn't perfect (who is?) but it was effective.

-When I have children....I hope I don't prioritize them over my marriage, God, or others needs in the moment. My mom always did a GREAT job of making sure that we understood as her children, that the world did not revolve around us. So, when someone called that needed her or my dads help--that need came before our desires. I can remember that my mom had to miss a few of my softball games because she was taking a dinner to someone who just lost a family member, or playing in her church volleyball game. It taught me so much about putting others before yourself and really instilled servanthood into my blood. Us kids were confident that she loved us more than anything and I love that she didn't feed into selfishness just to make our desires come before everyone else in the world.

-When I have children....I hope I'm their parent before I'm their friend. My mom did not care if what the other kids had was cool or not, she had no desire to be our "friend" and buy us the latest thing that everyone else had. My mom was a great listener and advice giver, but it was always from a parental standpoint, never a friend.

-When I have children.....I hope I can master the art of teaching them to be mindful and thoughtful. My mom often said to me "well.....how do you think that would make her feel?" She always brought my emotions back to the other persons feelings. Their feelings needed to come before my own and with this came thoughtfulness. She trained me to be mindful of peoples feelings and initiate them before they happen. I have no clue how to teach that.

So these are my big 3 from mom. I'm sure my children will be born with these out of the womb and my job will be simple. (yeah right)

Happy Mother's Day Mom!! I hope I can do for my kids, what you have done for me.
I love you!

1 comment:

Kammy's Korner said...

This was so well said and I agree whole-heartedly!! I found you because you have my blog linked up on yours - thank you so much!! I'm honored and flattered! Love that you are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ!! :)