
Double Fold

The bible promises many things and one of those are finances. When we allow God to lead our lives he promises to meet our NEEDS. Sometimes my bratty self thinks this should include a new wardrobe but that is not a need and was never promised.

So many people have a fogged perception of teachers and salaries and time off. Having the summer off is of course an amazing bonus to my job. The only evil that comes with that is I really don't take a summer off because there are no pay checks in the summer. SO, in conclusion, summers off= 2 months of panic and no pay!

The past few months John and I have prayed and prayed that God would bless our summer tutoring program with enough kids to cover our summer bills. We are partnering together to offer a 2 hour program of curriculum for students once a week.

After much prayer and planning, God blew us away with the final number. I had prayed for 20 kids and God brought over 35!!! I am so in awe of his grace and ability to exceed my needs and expectations. He has all of the glory for our "summer of bliss!"

Now that I wont have a typical full time job as usual this summer, I am starting to line up volunteer days with different organizations I am passionate about in Charlotte. I can't wait to serve this summer because I want to, because I have genuine time to, and because GOD has allowed me to.

As always, my God is all I need and in him all my needs are fulfilled!

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