
Calling all People

The Charlotte Fire department was at our house for our final inspection and the captain of the unit made the strangest remark to John. He said, "Wow! Your house is gorgeous. Whoever decorated this did an awesome job. This is by far the nicest house we've been in for these inspections."

Thank you for the compliment on our house but talk about heart breaking. He thought our little 90 thousand dollar home with TJ Maxx, Homegoods decor was the nicest he's been in for foster children. Really?

The more and more I think about this comment the more saddened I am with the state of peoples hearts. Not everyone has to want to foster children but when you compare the number of children who need a home with the number of people who have a home and wont even consider it--pretty heart breaking. Of course we all want to say, "we just can't right now. It's not the right season of our life. We have so much going on right now." Those words are filled with valid reason and concern but also excuses.

God commands in the Bible that we care for the elderly and the orphans. (He also commands many other things like love, repentance, and so on but todays focus is just one of these commands) To be so truly blessed, as we clearly are in America, (if you own 2 cars, have food in the pantry, and you have clothes---consider yourself in the 3% of those in the entire world with those needs met) we have to consider the ways we can bless others with what we have been given.

I mess up in a lot of areas, I fail at so many of God's commands on daily basis, I fall short consistantly. I just hope to encourage one person who has never considered opening their blessings to someone who literally has NOTHING. We can't even imagine that. If you're reading this....you have a computer and internet--thats huge! These kids simply have NOTHING and I see so many people in the world that could do something to help, even in a small way, and just may not even realize they can.

If you've never considered foster care......let the idea sit on your plate for a while. It really might not be the time or thing for you....but it's something to give thought to. There are too many loving, phenominal people in the world just holding their gifts and blessings not realizing what they have to share with others!

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