
Material Goods

I have become a word of mouth junkie---for everything! Where to eat, what to buy, vacation spots, cooking, clothes, anything and everything I seem to buy, do or eat, I heard about from someone else. I love the idea of taking other peoples suggestions because it takes all of the risk out of my hands!

I was at a wedding a few weeks ago and while us girls were putting our make up on, the bride was telling me about a product she uses by a company called "Two faced" and it's "Eye Shadow Insurance."

Now....there aren't too many things that really blow me away in life....but this did!!!! My eye make up is usually off by the time I get to work. UNTIL NOW. This stuff is worth every penny!

I came home from the work the other day and John said, "wow, you look really good today." I knew it was my makeup because usually when I get home, I'm lookin rough.

Thank you Morgan for the awesome suggestion---I really don't think I can ever go without it now :)

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