
Mom's Moving

One of the most amazing things about the challenges we have faced as a family with my dad's situation, is the endless faithfulness that God has blessed our family with. He has provided for our needs every single step of the way. Every. Single. Step.

It's so scary when I get into bed at night and think of my mom by herself, no family around, no one to watch out for her. Over the last two years, God has really given her an abundance of strength and given us peace about letting go of the control we would like to have and giving it to him. The most real experience I have had with God has been in this situation with my mom....he has really ripped control from my hands and shown me that he has a divine plan for his children.

We are going on 3 years this fall without my dad and in a few weeks my mom will move yet again, and take in my grandpa with her to care for him. I am so thankful that the Lord has given her a great home that fits her needs and budget, that my grandpa and Mom can enjoy eachother before he passes, and that he continues to exceed her needs. God, you are so good in the big things AND the small things. You have never been more real to me!

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