
Shoe's with Soul

I feel like my husband and I have very different ideas on fashion. Don't get me wrong...when he cleans up there is just no denying his serious amount of sexiness. When it comes to everyday wear, he seems to lean on the casual side and I tend to still enjoy heels and ruffled tops.

One area we do agree on is supporting people. Clothes and supporting people has finally collided in our world and I'm pretty pumped with John's stylish choice.

I had first heard of "Tom's" when I saw my kids wearing them at school. They caught my attention more as a trend than an actual fashion statement. I had no idea how awesome they were until John stated that he too would like a pair.

My first reaction was, "Really? Those?"

John then pulls up the website and fills me in on how phenominal the Tom's brand really is. For every pair of shoes you buy, they donate a pair to a child overseas. This company has donated over 1 million pairs of shoes in just a few years. PRETTY SWEET!! The company noted that several diseases are caused by soil and the feet being infected. To help-they created the Tom's brand of shoes. The company has also found that schools overseas require children to have shoes in order for students to register---problem solved :)

SO--as of this week John will be getting a new pair of shoes and so will a needy child in a poor country. I'm stoked! I can't honestly say that I'm dieing to have a pair because they really aren't my style, but I can definitely see myself adding this style into my wardrobe for the simple fact that I can't wait to promote this product! Love seeing other people share God's blessings!!!!

2 pairs of shoes= 44.00
Shipping online= 9.00
kids getting shoes= priceless :)

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