
We Remember

All day today, John and I have been listening to the radio and watching specials for the anniversary of 9-11. I think I've cried more today listening to peoples stories than I ever have about the tragedy our country faced.

I remember exactly where I was when the planes hit, Mr. Bartel's human bio class in high school, and when it happened I remember that I didn't understand anything about it. Nothing clicked for me then, I just didn't understand terrorist or intentional tragedies.

Now, 10 years later, I am fully grasping the depths of this tragic event and the magnitude it has on families, our freedom, and our service men still fighting over seas. I think of the people on the planes and the fear they felt before they crashed. I think of the people who jumped from the buildings because jumping seemed a better option than burning alive.

Our country is still good. Our God is still SO good. Human beings, thanks to God, can do good. Human beings, because of satan, committ evil acts.

My heart feels such peace knowing that our God is just and he fights for us on judgement day. All the wrong doings will be accounted for, mine included. Those responsible will be held accountable for before the God of the universe.

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