
Get my Craft On!

One of the main reasons I dread the Christmas season is the whole pressure of gift giving. It's not the financial obligation....it's picking the right thing that a person will actually adore and something that may look like it cost more than it really does. I don't know why I worry so much about cost; I know when I receive anything, cost never even crosses my mind-I'm just thankful for it!

I've sorta copped out the last few years and chosen the NO-GIFTS policy for everyone in my life (other than my parents). I figured this would keep it fair---no person is "valued" as more than another. No sibling, friend, cousin, or grandparent would feel they were loved less because of what they received. Honestly....the last 3 Christmas experiences have been bliss---no gifts---just time with family and friends. I can't begin to tell you how powerful it has been for my family....we just simply don't bother. We all know we are getting together to spend time together! (I'm not gonna lie---getting gifts is seriously one of the funnest things about the season and I DO love getting things from people---it's so fun---but it's not the focus and that I appreciate.)

This year, I have a little time to CRAFT my gifts. I'm not really the crafty type but I love the attempt, I love the process and I have loved going down the list of important people I want to honor with "something." Yes, it will be small and yes it will be economical but people will know they are loved :)

Jesus is the season....period.
Gifts are fun.
Family and friends are to be cherished.

bring on the crafting!!!!

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