
Great Advice

I was talking with a wise woman that I sincerely trust about relationships. I was describing a few different relationships in my life right now, some going better than others, but that's just life I guess.

I was telling her about a few relationships that seem to just not be going right.....relationships where I question myself, things I may have said, and acceptance to be had on both sides of the relationship. I went on and on about how I don't really feel the need to have people "like" me, but more so just accept me as a person and move on with it.

Her advice was just what I needed to hear, "Stop trying to get people's acceptance of any kind. All you should consume yourself is God's acceptance...and he does."

So simple but so profound. Here I am, worrying about acceptance...when no ones acceptance matters other than the Lord's.


I'll keep that in the front of my thinking---God first, people second. What matters to him matters to me.

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