
Love Stories and Such

I begged and begged (which was more like me asking once) for John to take me to see The Vow, a movie based on a real life couple. In the movie (and real life), the couple meets, marries, and after a car accident she loses her memory of everything involving him.

I wont give away the ending because most women will want to see it, but I will say, it was sweet. This man LOVED his wife and was willing to do everything to keep her. John and I came home from the movie and talked about what our life would be like if the same situation happened to us. I drilled him asking what he would do, how he would get me to remember him if I lost my memory (his response: I'd make you fall in love with me just like I did the first time. To which I responded: I more like stalked you....there wasn't a lot of falling on my part--more like aggressively pursuing!) One of my favorite parts of the movie was their "spot." They had a cafe they always went to....the same one...it was their thing. Well, I of course drilled John over this one too. We don't have a spot! In fact, we have vowed this past year to try and eat at a new restaraunt every time we eat out (which isn't much) just to force ourselves to be crazy (real crazy right?).

The movie ended differently than I expected but in reality the ending made sense. What a cool couple and what an awesome story they have to tell!

So, after this compelling love story, we are now working on 2 things:
1. get a spot, find a spot, make up a spot
2. video tape ourselves telling eachother how we met, married, etc. so that if one of us ever loses our memory--we have proof! (see the movie and it will all make sense)

2 things I don't need to work on from the movie:
1. An amazing husband (got it!)
2. Having bangs like hers (I did that in High School and it is never coming to that again)

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