
Writers Block

Everytime I consider quitting this silly blog, my mind starts racing, trying to remember and hold onto all of my thoughts. There is so much I want written down, so that I'll remember later on.

This article was sent to me today from a close friend, and once again, my heart is disapointed with the world. I'm not really sure why I'm continually shocked at the motives and actions of a fallen and dark world, but I am! Part of me lives in fear, wondering IF we should even have kids, knowing how different the world will be for them when they are my age.

Read the following article, and try not to puke thinking about the fact that our country was built based on freedom (especially freedom of speech).

Michael Snyder
The American Dream
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Do you believe that parents should be able to spank their children? Do you ever express that opinion to others? If so, then you could be sent to prison. Sadly, that is exactly what happened to one pastor up in Wisconsin recently.

A minister named Philip Caminiti was sentenced to 2 years in prisonfor simply teaching that parents should spank their children when they misbehave. Please note that Caminiti was not accused of spanking anyone or of physically hurting anyone. He was put in prison simply for his speech. He was put in prison simply for what he was teaching others to do. Whether you agree with spanking or not, this should be incredibly sobering for all of us. Increasingly, speech is being penalized in the United States. Much of the time, the focus of the attacks by the forces of political correctness is on religious speech. If this trend continues, many of you that are reading this article might be put in jail for the things that you say in the coming years.

When many of us were growing up, once in a while our parents would take out a belt or a wooden paddle and give us a paddling on the behind when we did something wrong.

Was there anything wrong with that?

Of course not.

Yes, there is real child abuse that goes on out there, but in the vast majority of instances spanking does not do any lasting physical harm. Rather, it benefits the child because it helps them learn what is right and what is wrong.

I know that when I got a licking on the behind as a child that helped me to remember not to do the same thing again.

But Dane County Circuit Judge Maryann Sumi was absolutely horrified that some parents would actually use a wooden spoon to spank their little children when they misbehaved.

Perhaps that judge should actually try to spank someone with a wooden spoon some time. You simply cannot do much damage with a wooden spoon.

Instead of going after the parents who were doing the spanking, prosecutors chose to go after the pastor instead. They claimed that Caminiti was “the spoke in the wheel of this conspiracy“.

Even after Caminiti leaves prison, he will be forbidden from having any contact with his old church….

Caminiti will be on extended supervision for six years after his release from prison. Despite objections on constitutional grounds by Caminiti’s lawyers, Sumi ordered that he not have any contact with the Aleitheia Bible Church and have no leadership role in any church.

What in the world is happening to this country?

Criminal predators are literally eating the faces off of people, and yet authorities want to go after pastors that are encouraging their congregations to follow the teachings of the Bible?

Have we stepped into a really bizarre episode of The Twilight Zone?

Sadly, this is not the only example of how our free speech is under attack these days.

Up in New York, a new bill was recently introduced that would outlaw all “mean-spirited and baseless political attacks”.

I think that would cover a whole lot of people that leave comments on my blog.

The following is how a recent article by Kurt Nimmo described what this new law would require….

New York state government is attempting to pass the measure in both the Senate and the Assembly. The legislation has been referred to the Codes Committee in the Senate, and the Government Operations Committee in the Assembly.

Both proposals are identical and would effect messages posted on message boards, blogs, social networks, and “any other discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.” The law would require websites to post email addresses for “removal requests, clearly visible in any sections where comments are posted.” Those demanding the removal of content they find objectionable, however, would have their anonymity protected.

“Had the internet been around in the late 1700s, perhaps the anonymously written Federalist Papers would have to be taken down unless Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay revealed themselves,” notesDavid Kravets, writing for Wired.

Will we soon see laws such as this nationwide?

Will all blogs and websites soon be at the mercy of the politically correct police?

Up in Buffalo, New York it is apparently now against the law to hand out Christian tracts on a public sidewalk. At least that is what one man was told recently when he attempted to hand out tracts outside of an Italian heritage festival. The following is from a recent WorldNetDaily article….

While handing out tracts to willing recipients on a public street during a public festival, Owen was approached by a police officer who declined to identify himself but told him that the Buffalo Police Department is “the law” and he should stop handing out tracts.

According to the lawsuit: “Subsequently, another police officer, Officer Slomka, arrived on the scene. She quickly informed Owen that they could not hand out tracts in the festival and explained that the prohibition was ‘by our orders.’ Owen asked for her name, and she replied: ‘Slomka, write it down.’ Owen advised that he believed the tracts to be free speech; nonplussed, Officer Slomka reiterated that they couldn’t hand out tracts there and had to go outside of the festival area to continue with their expressive activity.”

Then, “Owen inquired as to whether they would be arrested if they continued to hand out tracts in the festival area, to which, Officer Slomka replied: ‘Yes.’”

That almost makes me angry enough to take a trip over to Buffalo and hand out tracts right outside the police station.

Even if you do not ever distribute literature, you should be alarmed at how our freedom of speech is being eroded.

The truth is that whenever anyone has their freedom of speech attacked it is an attack on all of us.

If we are not careful, we are going to end up just like Canada.

At one high school up in Canada recently, a student was suspended from school for a week for wearing a shirt with the following message….

“Life is wasted without Jesus”

The student was told that the shirt was “hate talk” and that he would be suspended for the rest of the year if he tried to wear it to school again.

They are coming for our free speech ladies and gentlemen.

They are not going to be satisfied until they have either shut all of us up or put all of us in prison.

It is imperative that we all stand up for free speech while we still can. Once our freedom of speech is gone, the loss of the rest of our freedoms will only be a matter of time.


NC Law

Tomorrow North Carolina residents will vote on whether or not marriage shall be defined as one man and one woman or whether we can change the consitution so that marriage includes homosexuals.
As a christian, the vote for me is easy. God's word is clear and in obedience to that, John and I will vote in support of marriage in amendment 1.

A respected pastor in Charlotte wrote this response to concerns and advertisements voting against amendment 1, very interesting and SO true.

"Here are objections some are raising and my responses:

1. North Carolina already has a law defining marriage between a man and a woman. That is true. But it's already been challenged, as early as December of this past year. The only way to prevent this definition from being changed by aggressive judges is to have this law be immutably stated in the Constitution.

2. There will be unintended consequences from victims of domestic violence. This objection is based on appellate cases in Ohio (which states a similar perspective in its Constitution). But this challenge was overturned by Ohio's Supreme Court. North Carolina domestic violence laws already protect people, regardless of their relationships. This will continue even with this Constitutional addition.

3. Children of unmarried couples lose their insurance coverage or custody or visitation rights if this becomes a part of our Constitution. This will not impact what employers already do. Plus, custody and visitation rights are determined by law by the relationship of the parent to the child, not the relationship between parents.

4. How does a marriage between a man and a man or a woman and a woman hurt my marriage, or any marriage? Let's be very clear: the assault on marriage didn't begin with this amendment. It first began with the fallen human condition that always seeks our will. It was aggravated by the sexual revolution decades ago that invited promiscuity and adultery. It was exacerbated further by "no fault" divorce laws decades ago. If you want an example of where all this may go, simply look at many western European countries where marriage is considered unimportant, only 20% marrying. This view towards marriage is the natural consequence of a culture that continues to diminish marriage as God intended. Is that where we want to go? What may be next?

5. It will be bad for business. The ten fastest growing business states in the United States all have a similar kind of statement about marriage between a man and a woman in their Constitution. What is the only one that doesn't? North Carolina.
There are 30 states that have already approved a similar statement on marriage for their Constitutions. Each one was voted on by the people. The 7 that define marriage differently were all decided by the judicial branch.

Finally, for followers of Jesus, the Bible - God's Word - is very clear. Marriage is not a right for humans to have. It's a gift from God, an ordinance written into creation. Its definition by God is not only for Jews and Christians, but a creation creed for all people everywhere. God defined marriage, not us!

In original intent, God clearly defined his will for marriage in Genesis 2:24. Please read the verse carefully. It's what I've taught consistently over three decades of ministry. God's will for marriage is one man, one woman, in a committed heterosexual, monogamous relationship.

Because of the Fall in Genesis 3, humans for centuries have tried to abrogate God's original intent. Whether it's pre-marital sex, adultery, pornography, polygamy, divorce among others, our hardened, selfish hearts deny marriage as God intended it. Whenever the prophets in the Bible saw these aberrations from God's original intent, they called God's people back to Genesis 2:24."

David Chadwick- Forest Hill Church

I'm guessing that God is pleased with a pastor speaking truth about relevant biblical issues. A man of God, willing to risk popularity for truth rocks me to the core. I Only hope more pastors can do the same!


I hate Church

I hate church...when it convicts the area I know I'm lacking in. I hate when God gets to me when I really don't want to hear it, once I hear his voice, I have to be obedient. This mornings message was from 1 John chapter 2. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world— the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life[c]—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever. This text always hurts to hear. This text calls out believers to put all we have in our lives towards God, it states that those of us who look like the world, talk like the world, and act like the world-are the world. It challenges us as believers to evaluate if we care more for our God, or more for this world. Our pastor highlighted that when we strive for fame in our jobs, we seek approval and praise from man, and capitalize on material goods--we are the world. To be perfectly exposed--my heart is dark in this area. I have struggled so much recently with wanting to further my education for teaching. It's strange because the only reason I feel a need to, is so that I feel secure in my ability (according to other people). WHY?? My kids perform awesome at school, I love my job, I know that God has blessed me in the job I'm in. The pressure of the world to keep getting stamped pieces of papers can get to me. Todays sermon was the perfect message for my dirty, world loving heart. I don't need the worlds approval to determine if I'm a good teacher. I know God has blessed me with the success I have had because of my heart, not my papers. Here's to being satisfied in him, not the worlds perception of satisfaction!


Over flow.....

I'd stopped writing to spare the world a lot of stress and complaints. After a short season of chaos, I am finally feeling things come together. So much has happened in the Crowley world and the most impactful I just have to share, so that I'll remember the feeling. I think often times in life, when we aren't directly involved in something, when we are on the outside looking in, we often forget others pains because the famous saying can be true, "out of sight out of mind." I think thats the difference in real and valued relationships in our lives, when our real loved ones feel hurt and pain, it doesn't just slip our minds. We continue to pray and love on them regardless of the fact that life does not pause and we have our "own" lives to tend to. When I was growing up, we lived right next door to my cousins. We basically shared a yard, chickens and all! I remember riding the bus with them, playing for hours and hours until one of our parents called us home. I remember my aunt and uncle babysitting us, I remember sitting in their living room and talking about fire safety. I remember it all! That family was single handedly the most influential part of my childhood and I loved it! I only wish my own children could grow up with their cousins....it's special! Years later, that same cousin came to live with me. She was in my wedding. She and I continued our "childhood" relationship into adulthood. We have challenged eachother, loved eachother and supported eachother. It's a relationship in my life that is like no other. Now that cousin, and my three other cousins, are hurting beyond something I have ever experienced. Their dad, and my uncle, passed suddenly last week. I can honestly say I haven't felt the depth of that hurt and the pain, and seeing their family doing whatever they can to keep it together, just broke me. I have broken down more in the last week than I have in the last few years. My uncle Kent was a true gentlemen. A man I admired because of his love for Jesus, wisdom and calm demeanor. He was a man who was slow to speak and when he spoke, we all listened. I loved Kent, growing up he was like a second dad to my brother and I. As an adult, he gladly poured into John and I and we gladly accepted it. John loved Kent and everytime we were in Ohio or passing through, he would request a visit with Kent. Their personalities are somewhat similar and I can see a lot of Kent in John. Now, as I watch Kelly and my other cousins navigate this loss, I pray to God that I don't forget the pain they will still feel for a great time to come. I pray that we support them and love them regardless of what we are busy with. Uncle Kent, enjoy Jesus. I promise we will take care of your family! Well done good and faithful servant!


Finally--a stand against abortion!!!

Arizona bill declares women pregnant two weeks before conception:

A new bill up for vote in the state of Arizona would ban abortions for some expectant mothers, but that’s only the start of what lawmakers have in store. If the legislation passes, the state will consider a child to exist even before conception.

Under Arizona’s H.B. 2036, the state would recognize the start of the unborn child’s life to be the first day of its mother’s last menstrual period. The legislation is being proposed so that lawmakers can outlaw abortions on fetuses past the age of 20-weeks, but the verbiage its authors use to construct a time cycle for the baby would mean that the start of the child's life could very well occur up to two weeks before the mother and father even ponder procreating.

On page eight of the proposed amendment to H.B. 2036, lawmakers lay out the “gestational age” of the child to be “calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman,” and from there, outlaws abortion “if the probable gestational age of [the] unborn child has been determined to be at least twenty weeks.”

The architects of the amendment say that prohibiting abortion after 20 weeks — except in cases of medical emergency — is necessary for the safety of both mother and child. By designating a life to begin weeks before even possible, however, some critics are condemning Arizona lawmakers for looking for a way to involve itself in abortion matters before it can even become an issue.

“Certainly, they are trying move the gestational cutoff from what had been over the last two years a 20-week gestational cutoff to an 18-week gestational cutoff,” Guttmacher Institute’s State Issues Manager Elizabeth Nash tells Raw Story. “At the same time, they are trying to say, ‘Oh, this is a 20-week abortion ban.’ And they get away with that with the definition of gestational age that’s in the bill.”

“Considering that it’s anti-choice nuts we’re talking about, it’s safe to assume that they’d simply prefer a situation where all women of reproductive age are considered to be pregnant, on the grounds that they could be two weeks from now,” RH Reality Check’s Amanda Marcotte adds in a recently-penned editorial. “Better safe than sorry, especially if that mentality means you get to exert maximum control over the bodies of women of reproductive age.”

In extending her support for the legislation, however, sponsor Nancy Barto, a Republican senator representing the Phoenix, Arizona area says that fetuses are able to feel pain after the 20-week mark. Also favoring the proposal, Senator Steve Smith (R-Maricopa) adds that lawmakers also need to consider “the 50 million-plus children who have been killed” since the US Supreme Court legalized abortion in Roe v Wade.

"I would like to listen to the 50 million-plus children that have been aborted and killed since Roe v. Wade,'' the senator says."I would like to listen to what they think of this bill.''

Mother Jones adds in their own reporting, however, that while the law could be explained as an effort to deter complications that come from late-term abortions, opening up the window for the gestational age to begin before conception can hurt the parents in the long run. Essentially the act would outlaw abortion after 18 weeks, not 20 as the legislation claims, which could keep some concerned parents from making a decision about pregnancy before some medical procedures that gauge the health of the child are able to be determined. While some tests can be conducted soon after conception to catch potential life-threatening conditions and other impairments, outlawing abortions after the eighteenth week could keep parents from opting for abortion after other tests can be carried out (before the 20-week mark).

H.B. 2036 passed in the Arizona Senator by 20-to-10 and will soon go before the state’s House. To Raw Story, Elizabeth Nash says she believes the bill has a “very good chances of passage.”


Time and Sleep

Spring break has already brought my body back to normal with one thing....sleep! This morning John woke up early and took our foster child to school so that I could sleep. In a normal week, I leave the house around 6:15 to tutor before work. It's amazing how I can get ready now in 15 minutes (do not hate on me if you see me bronzing in the car!).

After a little sleep and a lot of reflection time, just in the past 2 days, I feel this sigh of relief and renewed energy to get going. Today I read part of a book called, "Missional Mom." The foster mom had it out so I thought I'd give it a whirl while I watched Michael play basketball. In minutes my attention was captured and I felt the Lord stirred in me something that I knew was coming.

When we found the house that we are under contract to buy, John and I were a little ashamed to tell people what we had picked. It's a foreclosure, which made the price under budget, but the size of the house makes us feel like millionaires. Now, some people will see the house and think..."it's not that big" but coming from a house that only takes 5 steps and you can cover the entire downstairs, it feels like a palace.

I knew God was blessing us to use this house for his glory and after reading "Missional Mom" I think God has stirred something in me that I would LOVE to do! I look at our house, which will be 4 bedrooms, and my first thought is, what will we do with all this space. Baby making takes longer than a hot minute so we have alot of time before we fill 4 bedrooms! In the book I was reading, one woman always invited into her home, someone who couldn't afford rent. At some points it was college students and at other times it was women who just couldn't make it. I read her story and knew I wanted to do something similar.

I'm not sure how this will look, but I have 2 passions I am confident in: budgeting and sharing. I would love to allow for a struggling college student (perhaps one who doesnt have a family paying for their schooling and one who works just to try and get through) whom I can share our home with and allow them to budget at a crucial time in their life. Obviously this will take a lot of prayer and direction as I never want to put my husband or someone else in a compromising situation-where Satan can use temptation to wreck our marriage--but I also feel if God wants to use the home he has given us to bless someone else, we are more than willing.

I read an interesting statistic in "Missional Mom" that will rock your world.
Let this marinade: if you make 30,000.00 per year, you are in the top 8% in the ENTIRE WORLD.

It's amazing and sad how americans throw around the term "broke" and "struggling" when really....their needs are met.

I make around that amount and I have EVERYTHING I need.

What can you do with God's "stuff" that he is letting you USE while on earth?
I have a lot to share.....better get to it!



I absolutely love this time of year.....

I love the sun.
I love the green on the trees.
I love the change in wardrobe.

Most of all, I love that Jesus is the season.
The celebration for Jesus giving his life for us is only one week away.

Church this morning was mind blowing. It's simplicity of not trying to re-invent or put a new spin on easter made it simple and real. I loved it. Pastor preached verse by verse and brought to us the message of a perfect sacrifice.
