
God hates it

It's a little embarassing to admit, but yes, I'm still watching other peoples kids at the age of 27. People think I'm crazy when they hear that.....half the time I think I'm crazy too. I dont necessarily enjoy it all of the time, but I enjoy the financial comforts as a result of it. I pretty much stick with the same family I've had for the past 3 years and they thankfully have always taken very good care of me.

I was at their house tonight and the 2 year old girl hit her older sister and then started throwing objects. Mom hadn't left yet so after I watched this happen I got down on my knees next to her, and told her it wasn't nice to throw and hit her sister, etc. in my "not happy" voice. Firm but not yelling.

Mom walks in the room (whom I love) and says "oh she's just frustrated because she's tired."

OK--so we saw the situation completely differently but regardless-she's the mom.

I don't really know what made me think of this but it came to my mind quickly.

So many times in my day, I rationalize WHY i'm sinning against God. Most of the time I have a really good reason for it (or so I would like to think). Usually it's because i'm frustrated, jealous, angry, bitter, etc.

God though, hates my sin. He doesn't rationalize it. He doesn't excuse it. The bible shows us time after time how much God hates our sin......he flooded the world because of sin. He wiped away an entire city because of sin. Battles were lost because of sin. God despises sin.

Fortunately for us, we have God's grace and he forgives our sin. I think so many pastors today promote grace and forget about how God views our sin before we repent.

Maybe if I started thinking about how much God hates my sin before I sin, I wouldn't sin.