
Puking does a body good!

The last few days I have been more than under the weather, I've been face down in my toilet bowl! Yuck!

Although I have felt miserable, I have had a great confirmation. I woke up this morning feeling better but not wanting to pass on whatever I have to 90 other families through my students. So, I stayed home another day to recover.

It took me a few hours to decide whether or not I wanted to go into work. Today was such a great confirmation for me....I missed being at work. I missed hearing the kids ask me literally one million questions (most of them answerable with common sense), I missed eating my boring packed lunch in 20 minutes while glaring at children sitting in front of me to stop trading and throwing away food their mother bought them, I even missed my most "interesting" students that usually cause me to want to run my head into a concrete wall. Now that's a pretty great day. A day when you realize the job you pour your life into, is something you love. I think like all careers, I have days where I wonder if another opportunity would be better.

Then God humbles and reminds me ........glamour, money, and glitz aren't everything. Loving your calling is!

Can't wait to get back to work.....

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